martedì 18 dicembre 2012

Game play II - Complex faults

As I said in the previous post, I’m going to talk about other features concerning volleyball game play. Maybe after having read this post you’ll have learned more about some rules which aren’t so well-known. These rules are the following:

Back row fault: if a player stands in the back zone, he must spike the ball without stepping over the 3 m line, otherwise the serve will be gained by the opposite team.

Rotation overlapping: it occurs when the players aren’t in the correct position when the ball is served. In fact, when the player of a team is about to serve, the players of the other team mustn’t change their position until the ball is hit.

Switching position: it can only be done after the serve for the same reason as the previous rule and it is usually performed by the team which has gained the serve.

When a player steps over the back line while serving or takes more than 8 seconds to serve, the referee will be calling the fault. In addition, a player can’t play the ball when it’s above the opposite court.

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