lunedì 5 novembre 2012


Hi there! I'm Andrea and this is my blog about volleyball. This is a sport that everybody knows, but maybe not everybody really knows it at all. Nowadays, every country has its national sport, which is a good thing because it entertains people and, especially during the national competitions, helps them to remember the patriotic spirit. But because of this reason seldom do we hear news about other sports. So what I’m going to do is just to talk as easy as possible about rules, competitions and values of this wonderful sport. I hope you'll love it and, if you don't like it, I hope you’ll change your mind about it.

4 commenti:

  1. Hi Andrea,
    so far so good job! Maybe I’m partisan because I love this sport and I played it for 5 years but I also think that it is a sport everyone should try once. I mean, I started playing volleyball when I was pretty little and I think is extremely important for kids to play a sport, whichever it is but a sport such this help you entering in contact with people and socialize. For me going to training was always an occasion to spend time with my friend before that to train :P I was one of those who wants to talk but I also was really good at playing. Then I stopped because there were some misunderstandings with my coach. Anyway, I was saying that instead of an individual sport, volleyball, soccer etc.. are sports in which you find friends, someone you grow up with, you share you life with them and of course it is a way to keep oneself fit and to lessen daily stress! I like the way you are presenting you blog because you talk about every aspect of this sport and you are very detailed so keep doing like this!


  2. Hi my dear!!
    I really like your blog because I played volleyball for 9 years.. and while I am reading it a lot of memories occur to my mind!! Maybe it seems strange but the part of this activity that I loved most was the training, more than the matches. I don't know why exactly, but these were the best moments to share, know and have fun with your friends. In my opinion this type of sports- team sports- are also important to compare oneself with other different persons and learn how to grow up in the society and not alone. For me it has been a very important experience because now I look like as I am also thanks to this sport.
    Congratulations for your blog, you analize very well every aspects of the topic.. good job!!

  3. Andrea, where are your comments based on Nicole and Sophie's writing? You need to at least acknowledge their input somehow. Prof. Woodbury

  4. Hi Nicole and Sophie! Thanks for your comments! You’ve talked about the importance of sport as an experience of life. I totally agree with you because I feel the same feelings every time I go training and every time I’m playing a match. You’ve also highlighted the importance of staying with other people, that is the most important think before anything else. Too many times we forget these aspects, because of our hunger for victory. So you’ve been good in recalling them in this blog. Surely I will talk about them in next posts, as soon as I conclude the technical ones. Thank you again for commenting my blog and for supporting this sport, which, unfortunately, is still underestimated. It’s good to know that there’s someone who keeps loving it.
